Ticket to Ride: United Kingdom + Pennsylvania (Extension)
"Ticket to Ride: United Kingdom + Pennsylvania" expansion of the popular "Ticket to Ride" board game. "Ticket to Ride" is a popular family board game. Each player represents their own train network, with which they try to connect the cities indicated on each of their train tickets. But be careful, because train tracks are what they are. Some paths are very narrow and sometimes only one player will reach their destination using the most advantageous path.
On the side of the Pennsylvania map, the novelty that distinguishes it from other maps is "PROMOTIONS".
Every time a player completes a route, he/she gets a share from the company that is displayed next to the completed route. The player who has the most "shares" at the end of the game will get extra points.
The British side of the map introduces players to the concept of "technology".
At the beginning of the game, players will be able to build only 1-2 square rails. By using wild cards, you will be able to upgrade your moves to build longer rails, as well as gain the ability to build ships and travel to Ireland, Scotland. Players can also buy bonus cards that will give extra points at the end of the game for using the specific card abilities.
Age: from 8 years.
Duration: 45 min
Number of players: 2 - 5
Language of the rules: EN