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Count with Cubs

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18,95 € galda spēļu kluba biedriem un 0,95 € uzkrājums
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Original price 0,00 €
19,95 €
19,95 € - 19,95 €
Current price 19,95 €
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"Counts with Puppies" is a developmental board game for children. An addition and subtraction board game that introduces little ones to the world of numbers in an interesting way.

Players look for strawberries, spin them, learn to share, but - most importantly - learn addition and subtraction, as well as the concepts of right and left.

In the course of the game, players take turns picking up cards depicting a bear who has either found a new cluster of strawberries or wants to share his strawberries with others. Depending on how many strawberries are shown on the card, the player has to hit that many strawberries on his or her cue, or catch and return to the player on the right or left. Thus, during the game, not only addition and subtraction take place, but also quite social sharing is encouraged and the concepts of right and left are learned.

The game material is prepared in a nice, child-friendly form - red wooden balls with a hole that can be strung on a string serve as strawberries. The cards are large and comfortable, and children will be delighted by the nice visual design of the game.

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Agrita Grāvīte

Skaiti ar Lācēniem

Inga Karlsone
Skaiti ar lācēniem

Mūsu 3gadneikam ļoti patīk-it īpaši zemenītes vērt striķītī😀Jautra laika pavdīšana kopā ar bērniem. Iesaku.

Zinta Straumīte

Ļoti laba, izglītojoša spēle.

Mārtiņš Ancens
Ļoti patīk

Nopirku spēli savai trīs gadīgajai meitai uz vārda dienu. Bija ļoti sajūsmā par spēli.

Ilze Belkovska
Izcila spēle

Uzreiz iemīlējām šo spēli un bieži spēlējam. Mazais apgūst dažādas prasmes vienkāršā un jautrā veidā - sīkās motorikas attīstība (verot zemenītes uz aukliņas), skaitļus (ir gan cipari, gan vizuāli zemenītes) dažādu vecumu bērniem (2-6). Saskaitīšana un atņemšana (cik zemenītes uzliek uz aukliņas un cik zemenītes ir jādod blakus esošajam spēlētājam. Māca arī dalīšanos ar citiem un puses (pa labi, pa kreisi). Un tas viss skaistā un elegantā dizainā.

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