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Quixo Classic

31,30 € galda spēļu kluba biedriem un 1,57 € uzkrājums
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Current price 32,95 €
Game club price: 31,30 € and 1,57 € savings in points as a reward. Don’t have a Club Account yet? Sign up.

A game that is a little bit like "Tickets and Zeroes". Players move blocks with symbols and try to make a row of five identical symbols.

Each block has one edge marked with a cross, the other with a zero, and the other edges are without symbols. Players move blocks in their turn, trying to create a row of their symbols and at the same time prevent the opponent from creating theirs. The player who first creates a row of 5 blocks with his symbol wins. "Quixo" can also be played in fours, with players joining two teams.

Age: from 6 years

Duration: 15 min

Number of players: 2, 4

Terms language: LV, RU, LT, EE, ENG

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Brain Games publishing house for games