Pylos Classic
This game is for two players who start the game with the same number of wooden balls, each of their own color. Players take turns placing one ball at a time, forming a pyramid. The player who places the last ball on top of the pyramid wins.
By playing strategically, you can save balls during the game and thus increase your chances of winning. However, unless your opponent is an equally good strategist, predicting moves is not so easy.
Pylos, like Quarto , it is possible to play at different levels of difficulty, so it will be an exciting game both for school-aged children to train logical thinking, and for experienced lovers of logic games. Pylos is a well-known and popular game in the world, which has also received several national awards: Mensa top five best games in the US, Games magazine's 100 best games in the US, Parents' Choice Award in the US, Game of the Year in Italy.
Age: from 6 years
Duration: 15 min
Number of players: 2
Terms language: LV, RU, LT, EE, ENG