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Munchkin 4: The Need for Steed (Expansion)

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23,28 € galda spēļu kluba biedriem un 1,16 € uzkrājums
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SKU SJG#1444

Munchkin 4: The Need for Steed expansion of the Munchkin board game. "Munchkin" is a funny board game for parties and celebrations. This game slightly parodies and ironizes other board games, movies, popular cartoons, fairy tale characters and other adventures. Go to underground fortresses, fight everyone you meet, hack your friend and steal his accessories, grab treasures and MOO - admit it, you like it!

Each player starts at level one and the winner of the game is the first to reach level ten. Each player has their own character that can be upgraded during the game. There are two types of cards in the game - treasure cards and encounter cards. On their turn, the player kicks open a door, drawing an encounter card that usually has a monster to fight. Monsters have their own power levels, which the player must overcome using their weapons and special abilities. Others can help either the player or the monster. Defeating a monster results in treasure cards, but losing causes the treasure to be returned.

Age: from 10 years.

Duration: 90 min

Number of players: 3 - 6

Language of the rules: EN

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Brain Games publishing house for games