Mini Great Minds: Galileo's Star
Game club price:
4,70 €
0,24 €
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0,00 €
Original price
0,00 €
Original price
0,00 €
4,95 €
4,95 €
4,95 €
Current price
4,95 €
SKU PRP#1168-3
Just one puzzle from the Great Minds range. Will you be able to solve this challenging wooden puzzle?
Galileo's star
Influential astronomer Galileo famously invented the telescope, making the exploration of the universe more accessible than ever before. He also claimed that the Earth was not the center of the universe, but that the planets, including the Earth, revolved around the Sun, a controversial theory at the time!
Age: from 8 years
Number of players: 1
Terms language: ENG