Knuckle Knights
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21,00 €
21,00 €
21,00 €
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21,00 €
SKU HAB#3124
It is the talk of the whole kingdom! In King Benjamin's castle, the bravest knights take part in the grandest tournament of all time. There is rumbling and humming in every corner of the castle. One by one, the knights are thrown into the castle. Then a die is thrown, and whoever rolls the correct symbol can open the castle door, through which the knights then fall. If a knight falls into one of the deep pits in front of the castle, the player's turn is over. Whoever has the most knights at the end of the game wins!
Three-dimensional playing field. Easy to understand events.
Age: from 5 years.
Duration: 10 min
Number of players: 2-4
Language of the rules: EN, DE, FR