Gloom, 2nd Ed.
The player who puts their family members in the most miserable situation will win.
Black humor and fun.
The world of Gloom is a sad and miserable place. The sky is gray, the tea is cold, and a new tragedy awaits around every corner. Debt, disease, heartache, and swarms of crazed, flesh-eating rats. And when it seems that it can't get any worse, it gets even worse. But there are some who optimistically say that everyone's reward in the afterlife is based on how much suffering has been endured during life. And if so, then there is hope - if not for this world, then for what comes after.
Gloom card game puts you in the role of a peculiar family full of misfits and society haters. The goal of the game is sad, but simple - you want your character to experience the most terrible tragedies possible before going to a well-deserved rest in the afterlife. You'll play out setbacks like "Tracked by Dogs" or "Taunted by Dwarves" to lower your character's self-worth score, while trying to echo your opponent's characters with marriages and other happy events that add positive points. The player with the lowest Family Value score wins.
Age: from 13 years.
Duration: 60 min
Number of players: 2 - 4
Language of the rules: EN