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Catan: Explorers and Pirates (Expansion) [GERMAN]

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44,65 € galda spēļu kluba biedriem un 2,23 € uzkrājums
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Current price 47,00 €
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SKU KOS#69341

This extension is in GERMAN LANGUAGE!

Expansion of the board game " Catan " "Catan: Explorers and Pirates". " Catan" is a world-famous strategic board game for the family. Players gain resources to build their country's roads, villages and cities. This, in turn, accumulates points that bring you closer to victory. "Catan" has been on the Latvian market for 13 years and does not lose its popularity. It is a Top 30 board game in the world and one of the Top 5 Brain Games best selling board games.

"Catan: Explorers and Pirates" gives you the opportunity to reach new expanses, face dangerous pirates and catch plenty of fish.

Age: from 10 years.

Duration: 90 min

Number of players: 3-4

Language of the rules: DE

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Agita J.

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