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Modernās tehnoloģijas — spēļu draugs, nevis ienaidnieks

Modern technology is gaming's friend, not its enemy

After a long day at the office (or working from home in the current situation), it's not uncommon for people to want to relax as far away from screens as possible, such as reading an engaging book or playing board games. However, in the modern age of technology, it is increasingly common to find board games on store shelves that work with the help of specially developed applications. Before we write off this category of games as games that are not suitable for us, it is worth understanding what board games that still need application support are.

Whatever the function of the application, its purpose is not to suppress the board game, but to make it easier to play.

First of all, it should be understood right away that there can be different reasons for the interaction of games and technology, and not all these games should be categorized as the same. Some of the games are possible only with the help of the application, while in others it is possible to do without the presence of smart devices, but in most cases this is not recommended.

The game manager is replaced by an application

Mansions of Madness is one of the most popular board games of all time , where investigators must collect clues and fight various foul creatures from the world of HF Lovecraft . Initially, the game was played with the help of the manager, however, in 2016 , the second version of the game was released , in which this role was completely taken over by the application.

It guides the game, revealing only the necessary information to the players, remembers all the events, keeps records, and also creates the atmosphere by playing the appropriate soundtrack in the background . It might sound like the application does almost everything for you, but players themselves move around the playing field, play cards, roll dice and fight with detailed miniature monsters of various sizes.

"The app has taken Mansions of Madness from a game I like to a game I love," said board game guru Tom Wassel

The game manufacturer Fantasy Flight Games uses a similar principle in its other products. If the Lovecraftian theme does not seem appealing, then there is the fantasy option of J. The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth is played in RR Tolkien's Middle-Earth with the famous and lesser-known characters of " The Lord of the Rings " . Here, too, the application does all the accounting work, allowing players to fully concentrate on writing their characters' stories .

Since this is a campaign-type game, a big plus is the ability to save your game in the application , so that the next time you can resume it exactly from the same place where it was interrupted. The application can remember several games at the same time. In addition , each of the games will be different, as the application will automatically generate unique combinations of the playing field and variations of tasks .

Feel like an investigator from CSI

If you've ever wondered what it's like to be a criminal investigator , then Chronicles of Crime lets you feel like Horace Kane or Gil Grissom , who is investigating and trying to catch a killer. In this game, by scanning QR codes , you can get various information and unravel even the most difficult investigative mysteries. This is also one of the games that cannot be imagined without the involvement of the application.

The immediate question probably arises, couldn't this information be printed, for example, on the back of a card or in some scenario book? There is a very good reason why this option was chosen. Each thread, each location, each person can play a drastically different role in different missions. This means that different scenarios can be played out with the same cards .

Limited base game content is given almost unlimited possibilities.

In addition, fans of the game have already published their "crimes" on the Internet, which anyone interested can try in their own game. The manufacturers themselves have not sat idly either - Chronicles Of Crime 1400 , a separate version of the base game, has just hit store shelves. In this game, you will have to put yourself in the shoes of Aberal Lavelle, a resident of Paris in 1400. You have been haunted by visions of the past and future since childhood, but now you must use this gift to help solve various mysteries of the city.

The involvement of the application is also required in the detective game Detective: A Modern Crime Game . This time, the application performs the function of an online database , where you can find countless threads and information that will allow you to crack even the hardest nuts.

What will be the path of board games and technology in the future?

There are already a lot of games with the support of the application today, and they are becoming more and more popular. Will this trend completely take over the usual board games and in the future will the application be necessary for every board game? Probably not. However, these games could become not only more popular, but also more diverse - we know what supporting functions these applications will perform in the future.

If you've had experience with this type of board game, we'd love to hear about it in the comments section. Feel free to express your opinion and stories, what you liked and what you didn't. Or share games you'd like to try.

Undoubtedly, applications in board games are not for everyone. There are people who categorically turn away from this type of games, because they want to escape from the technological age and forget about everyday worries when playing games. And all this is understandable. Don't try to force someone to enjoy games they don't like. But if this collaboration of games and technology appeals to you, then you can definitely try one of these exciting games, and maybe you will find a new and exciting way to spend time alone or with friends.


Previous article Gift Guide - Two Player Games


Guntis - August 25, 2022

Nesen manās rokās nokļuva Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition, kas izpelnījās manas un sievas atzinumu, kaut arī spēlē no scenāriju viedokļa esam izgājuši tikai pirmo. Esam ļoti ieintriģēti turpināt iepazīt šo pasauli, jo tā ir pavisam cita pieredze, spēlējot galda spēles. Ļoti patīkami ir tas, ka pašiem nav jācenšas radīt īpašā gaisotne, par ko parūpējas aplikācija pati, ar īpašiem notikumu aprakstiem, kas norisinās paralēli mūsu darbībām, kā arī mūzika, kas nav speciāli jāpiemeklē noskaņas radīšanai. Protams, no vienas puses raugoties, šķiet, ka iespējams to visu varētu arī spēlēt uz datora bez taustāmām komponentēm, jo principā aplikācija parāda gandrīz visu to pašu, ko saliekam uz galda, bet tai pašā laikā personāži un monstri tiek izslēgti no redzesloka, kas rada sava veida brīvību. Liela loma ir veiksmes faktoram, jo galvenais virzītājs ir kauliņu mešana, bet vajag atcerēties, ka darbības katram spēlētājam ir limitētas, tāpēc arī stratēģijai ir sava loma.
Viedoklis par nākotni šādām spēlēm – negribētos, lai spēlētāji kļūtu atkarīgi no aplikāciju izmantošanas, bet lai to iesaiste būtu savā ziņā minimāla, jo tad tiešām liktos, ka visi ir apsēdušies pie galda, spēlēt kādu datorspēli, bet nu to jau laiks rādīs, uz ko ies tālāk šī industrija. Potenciāls ir ļoti liels un domāju, ka vēl sagaidīsim daudzas episkas galda spēles, jo tas ir pavēris jaunas, vairākas durvis par kurām mēs tikai vēl uzzināsim.

Raimonds - January 19, 2021

Personiski man nepatīk ka tehnoloģijas tik nopietni ienāk galda spēlēs, tomēr pilnīgi saprotu kādas priekšrocības vai jaunas iespējas atnes tehnoloģiju ienākšana.
Īpašumā man ir “The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth” un pateicoties tehnaloģijām vismaz šajā izolācijas laikā es šo spēli vismaz varu paspēlēt.

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