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Brain Games Anna recommends

As many of you already know, we are big game enthusiasts and each of our employees has their own taste when it comes to games. Some like long and complex strategy games, others like co-op, and still others like skill games. In any case, we share a great interest in everything related to board games and their culture, so some of our colleagues have agreed to tell us about the games that they find interesting and relevant at the moment.

Anna's everyday life is spent in marketing and communication processes. Outside of these duties, she was happy when her colleagues took the time to teach her a new game. Here are three of Anna's favorite games that she recommends others try.


Codenames is an intriguing board game for parties and celebrations. Only two top secret spies know the identities of the 25 agents. Their teammates know these agents only by their nicknames. Will the spies be able to pass on the most accurate information about the agents to their team before the opposing team does?

Anna: One of my favorite games is definitely Codenames. My colleagues are already laughing at me, that I have an addiction, because I have bought and given this game to all my family and closest friends. What do I like about this game? Unpredictability and multiplayer. In each company, the game unfolds completely differently, because each of us thinks and understands things completely differently, or on the contrary - the same, and there will never be an identical game. It is interesting that when playing this game, we always find that several hours have already passed, but we want to play more. We also just bought Codenames Duel, which solves the fact that board games often need more than 2 players to keep the game interesting. No fault of Codenames Pictures either! Yes, I really like Codenames...might play it again.


The game Village is full of different strategic decisions. The game's interesting move mechanism allows you to make short and specific moves, but this does not necessarily mean that the choice will be easy.

Anna: A relatively easy strategy game with interesting mechanics and themes. Each player has his own family, with whom he interacted throughout the game - going to the market, going to church, learning trades, getting involved in village politics, etc. etc., thereby earning points for victory. As time goes on, so you have to take into account that family members may die, but new ones are also born! Just like in life! Anyway, I think it's a cool game, which is a good alternative if you've mastered Catan and Ticket to Ride, but want something similar in terms of complexity.


Klask is an exciting two-player board game for kids and families alike. Competing against each other, players try to hit the ball into the opponent's hole.

Anna: The first time I saw the game, I was very skeptical, but a colleague challenged me to a match, which showed that the game is very exciting, fast and definitely easy to learn. I recommend it to adventurous people! Love the game design too! The only downside is that the game takes up space, but that can be overcome.

PS I like Codenames.


Are you ready to try something new? Want to see the games in real life and learn more?
Come to the Brain Games store in Riga, K. Barona street 55, and colleagues will tell you more about these and other games.
You can always view the games in our online store .
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