Mikado: Bamboo
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Game club price:
9,03 €
0,45 €
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0,00 €
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0,00 €
Original price
0,00 €
9,50 €
9,50 €
9,50 €
Current price
9,50 €
SKU PHI#3109
An ancient Japanese strategy game with roots similar to chess and a 1,400-year history.
Frame dimensions: 55 x 55 x 220 mm. Mikado players represent the Emperor, Princess, Nobles, Samurai, Generals, Soldiers, Spearmen, and Teachers. A game of skill and concentration for two or more players. The object of the game is to move as many sticks as possible from the pile without moving the other sticks.
Age: from 6 years.
Duration: 10 min
Number of players: from 1
Language of the rules: EN